[Boycott - Other News] Galloway on Palestine (Respect Youth Event)
Liam Mac Uaid, Respect Youth Event Tower Hamlets 2 February 2008 This video shows George Galloway speaking at a meeting organised in a week by Respect Youth. There were 120 plus people in a community centre in one of the poorest parts of the country listening to speakers who talked about Rachel Corrie, Tom Hurndall, the lessons of the coup against Allende, the Algerian revolution and the importance of mass action in defeating apartheid.
George Galloway, Respect MP for Tower Hamlets:
"We are still fighting for the twinning between Tower Hamelets and Jenin. We want it now, but if we don't get it now - when the next election comes, if Respect wins the election the Palestinian flag will fly from the Tower Hamlets borough council when we twin the two cities together!"
"During the holy month of Ramadan, as we move towards the Eid, I was going around Muslim shops in Tower Hamlets and elsewhere telling them that although they had collection boxes for the Mosque, although they had religious imagery in their shops, although they were selling dates to the faithful people to break their fast - the dates were made in Israel! They were stained with the blood of the Palestinian people! And Muslim shop keepers were selling them! Lets resolve now that at least in Tower Hamlets, next Ramadan, not a single Israeli date will be sold in any shop in this borough of Tower Hamlets - lets promise that now! We should be boycotting them like all self-respecting people boycotted South Africa, we must make it as it was then - a mark of shame to someone that they were buying the blood stained products of racism and apartheid. Israel is just as racist, Israel is just as apartheid as South Africa ever was, and it must be treated exactly like that!"
Source: http://liammacuaid.wordpress.com/2008/02/03/814/
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