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URGENT ALERT: Palestine– Write to the Turkish PM Erdogan to veto Israel’s accession to the OECD

Islamic Human Rights Commission
7 April 2010

Turkey is the only Muslim member of the OECD and holds right and responsibility to veto Israel's admission to the OECD. Write to the Turkish PM Erdogan to veto Israel's accession to the OECD.


1. Summary
2. Background
3. Action required
4. Sample letter

1. Summary

Israel is due to be admitted to the exclusive economic club, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Despite its failure to comply with the demands and standards, the organization in January 2010 announced that the OECD will “complete” Israel’s membership in 2010 (expected to take place in May). However, the OECD needs consensus to admit a new member state into the organization. Turkey is the only Muslim member of the OECD and holds right and responsibility to veto Israelis admission to the OECD.

Write to the Turkish PM Erdogan to veto Israel’s accession to the OECD.

2. Background

The OECD was founded in 1961. It has 30 member states mostly consisting of EU countries at present it maintains 60 percent of global wealth. Israel has been seeking to join the OECD for 20 years. Due to Israel’s egregious human rights records and belligerent attitude towards Palestinians and neighboring countries, the OECD procrastinated the admission process into the exclusive club. As well as economic prosperity, the OECD has “strict” criteria in terms of democratic and human rights records of member countries.

The OECD has recently changed its stance and concluded the process in favor of Israel’s admission. On the 19 January 2010, after signing a key agreement at the Israeli foreign ministry, the OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria stated that:

“We are probably going to complete (the membership process) in 2010, that's when it was scheduled for.”

If the accession goes ahead (expected to take place in May) Israel will internationally obtain credibility, and economic benefits. It is expected that as a result of the accession, Israel's credit rating will be upgraded. Consequently, it will be easier for the Israeli firms to raise funds. [1]

OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria paid an official visit to Israel on 19-20 January 2010. The purpose of the visit was to hold meetings with the top political and economic echelon of Israel, prior to the upcoming decision on Israel’s joining the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).

The OECD announcement comes amid the dispute regarding the submission of the economic statistics of the Israeli population. The Israeli figures included Israeli settlers and excluded the Palestinian population from the statistics. This undoubtedly contradicted EU policy as these settlements have not been recognized by international law.

A leaked report revealed that the OECD requested Israel to either include the Palestinians (and the settlers) in the West Bank or neither of the two parties should be included. [2] According to the same report this issue did not become an obstacle to Israel becoming a member of the OECD. The proposed solution allowed Israel to submit the requested data, one year after joining the OECD. If Israel is granted full membership, it will have power to veto the demands of the OECD, thus will avoid submitting updated figures about the West Bank.

Mr Hever a Quds/Jerusalem based economist pointed out the political legerdemain that the OECD and Israel performed in the accession process:

“The OECD is treating Israel as though it has seven million citizens when, in reality, it has 11 million subjects, of whom four million are Palestinians living under occupation, If they were included in the figures submitted to the OECD, Israel would have to be refused accession because of the enormous disparities in wealth.” [3]

As it has been affirmed by the Russell Tribunal (International War Crimes), European law forbids European countries from recognizing the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. However, by granting membership to the OECD, European governments are giving credence to the economically apartheid regime. Also by acknowledging the illegal occupation, they become complicit with Israeli war crimes documented in the Goldstone report.

The OECD needs a consensus to admit a new member state into the organization. Turkey as the only Muslim member of the OECD, holds right and responsibility to veto Israelis’ admission to the OECD. Mr Erdogan has become an outspoken defender of the Palestinians in the international arena resulting in him being targeted by senior Israeli Politicians and the Israeli lobby.

This is an opportunity for Mr Erdogan to show further solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians. It is also a unique opportunity to chastise the arrogance of Israeli politicians who calumniously attack their political opponents for voicing criticism of their heinous crimes against humanity.

End Notes:

[1] OECD is ushering Israel in too easily

[2] Israel's inclusion in economic organization a threat to democracy

[3] Israel given one year to tell truth about settlers

3. Action required

Write to the Turkish PM Erdogan to veto Israel’s accession to the OECD.

4. Sample letter

A sample letter is given below for your convenience. Please note that model letters can be sent directly or adjusted as necessary to include further details. If you receive a reply to the letter you send, we request you to send a copy of the letter you sent and the reply you received to IHRC. This is very important as it helps IHRC to monitor the situation with regards to our campaigns and to improve upon the current model letters. It is preferable that letters be sent via post, or otherwise by fax and/or email.

Sample letter to the Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan. You may write to Mr Erdogan via his email address ozelkalem@basbakanlik.gov.tr This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or send a fax to him via 0090 312 417 04 76.

[Your name]
[Your address]

Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Basbakanlik
Vekaletler Caddesi
Kızılay / Ankara


Your Excellency Mr Erdogan,

Re: Veto Israel’s accession to OECD

As you may be aware the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently announced that it would admit Israel into the OECD. On 19 January 2010, after signing a key agreement at the Israeli foreign ministry, OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria stated that:

“We are probably going to complete (the membership process) in 2010, that's when it was scheduled for”

Your Excellency, if the accession goes ahead (expected to take place in May). Israel will internationally obtain credibility, and economic benefits. It is expected that as a result of the accession, Israel's credit rating will be upgraded. Consequently, it will be easier for the Israeli firms to raise funds.

The OECD announcement comes amid the dispute regarding the submission of the economic statistics of Israeli population. The Israeli figures included Israeli settlers and excluded the Palestinian population from the statistics. This undoubtedly contradicted EU policy as these settlements have not been recognized by international law.

A leaked report revealed that the OECD requested Israel to either include the Palestinians (and the settlers) in the West Bank or neither of the two parties should be included. According to the same report this issue did not become an obstacle to Israel becoming a member of the OECD. The proposed solution allowed Israel to submit the requested data, one year after joining the OECD. If Israel is granted full membership, it will have power to veto the demands of the OECD, thus will avoid submitting updated figures about the West Bank.

Mr Hever a Quds/Jerusalem based economist pointed out the political legerdemain that the OECD and Israel performed in the accession process:

“The OECD is treating Israel as though it has seven million citizens when, in reality, it has 11 million subjects, of whom four million are Palestinians living under occupation, If they were included in the figures submitted to the OECD, Israel would have to be refused accession because of the enormous disparities in wealth.”

As it has been affirmed by the Russell Tribunal (International War Crimes), European law forbids European countries from recognizing the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. However, by granting membership to the OECD, European governments are giving credence to the economically apartheid regime. Also by acknowledging the illegal occupation, they become complicit with Israeli war crimes documented in the Goldstone report.

Your Excellency, the OECD needs a consensus to admit a new member states into the organization. Turkey as the only Muslim member of the OECD holds right and responsibility to veto Israelis’ admission to the OECD. I am well aware that Your Excellency is an outspoken defender of the Palestinians in the international arena resulting in you being targeted by senior Israeli politicians and the Israeli lobby.

This is an opportunity for Your Excellency to show further solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians. It is also a unique opportunity to chastise the arrogance of Israeli politicians who calumniously attack their political opponents for voicing criticism of their heinous crimes against humanity.

I look forward to your reply regarding this urgent matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your signature]
[Your name]

Source: http://www.ihrc.org.uk/activities/alerts/9286

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