[Boycott - Other News] Lebanon to boycott Israeli participation in Euro-Mediterranean meetings
Xinhua (China People's Daily Online) 27 April 2010 Lebanese House Speaker Nabih Berri announced in remarks published Monday that the Lebanese Parliament would boycott any Euro-Mediterranean meeting, hosted by Arab countries, that Israel participates.
Local daily As-Safir quoted Berri as saying his stance comes as a response to Israel's current "offensive" against Palestinian territories.
"If Israel refuses to admit that the Palestinian land is occupied, we refuse to take part in any Euro-Mediterranean meeting it attends, on an Arab land," he added.
Two weeks ago, the Spanish Minister of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Elena Espinosa, opened the 4th Euro- Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Water in Barcelona.
Israel rejected during the meeting the expression of Palestinian occupied lands, demanding that the word "occupied" get barred. Arab representatives refused the demand.
The Lebanese decision to boycott future Euro-Mediterranean meeting in Arab countries comes at a time when Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad accused Israel of "cutting off" East Jerusalem" from its Palestinian environs".
Source: http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6963919.html
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