[Boycott - Cultural] London picket asks Cirque du Soleil to Face the ugly reality of apartheid Israel & cancel Tel Aviv
inminds 22 January 2014 On 4th January 2014, activists picketed the opening night of the Canadian contemporary circus Cirque du Soleil 'Quidam' performance at the Royal Albert Hall in London, urging them to respect the Palestinian call to boycott apartheid Israel and cancel their scheduled performances in Tel Aviv this summer. The picket was organised by Inminds.
Cirque du Soleil is a contemporary circus based in Montreal, Quebec with an estimated annual revenue of US $810 million. In 2012 they breached the Palestinian call for a cultural boycott of Israel and performed in Israel. In 2014 they are once again booked for 10 performances at Tel Aviv's Nokia Arena with its 'Quidam' show.
It was a particularly difficult venue to picket as the Albert Hall has 12 entrances and every time we set up at one of the main entrances and started leafleting the security would open a side entrance and usher people to use that instead of passing our protest. They were also seen talking to the police who pointed out to then that we were on public land and had a right to be there.
Despite these tactics we managed to give out hundreds of leaflets and the overwhelming response from the show goers was very positive. Interestingly we met some of the performers of the Cirque du Soleil who had sneaked out of the side entrance for a quick cigarette before the show started, they were were very receptive and took our leaflet and said they would rise the issue with the management at their next meeting.
Next Action
Cirque du Soleil will be performing in London till 16th February, we aim to hold a second picket on Sunday 26th January 2-3pm, see event page for full details:
Outside the main entrance at the Royal Albert Hall
Norwegian musician Pal Moddi Knutsen recently cancelled his Tel Aviv performance.. we are asking Cirque du Soleil to do the same
Resources: Leaflet & Posters
Source: www.inminds.com
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Page URL: http://inminds.co.uk/article.php?id=10625