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[Boycott - Other News] Alert: Demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian hunger-strikers
inminds 28 August 2012 Join us on Saturday 1st September 2012 at 3pm outside the Israeli Embassy to protest in solidarity with the Palestinian hunger strikers Samer Al-Barq, Hassan Safadi and Ayman Sharawna who are in critical condition.
All three have been imprisoned under Israel's infamous 'administrative detention' which means they have not been charged with anything and there is no trial and yet they have been locked up indefinitely on a rolling 6 month prison sentence.
Hassan Safadi and Samer al-Barq are both on renewed hunger strikes after Israel broke its deal to release them. They had previously already been on hungerstike for 71 and 30 days. Now Sameer has been on a renewed hunger strike from May 22 - that's over three months, and Hassan for two months.
Both men are in critical condition, barely able to stand and use wheelchairs for their daily needs. Amnesty has reported that even at the Medical Centre of the Israel Prison Service Samer and Hassan are being repeatedly beaten and abused.
Ayman Sharawna has been on hunger strike since 1st July. Ayman was released as part of the prisoner exchange deal in October 2011, only to be re-arrested on 31 January 2012. No charges have been filed against him. Ayman was being held in solitary confinement in Rimon prison before being transferred to Ramleh prison medical center due to the deterioration in his health.
The latest news we received two weeks ago (on Thursday 16th August) is that the prison guards have once again attacked Hassan and Samer smashing Hassans head on the iron doors of the cell repeatedly until he was unconscious on the floor, they then dragged both prisoners to an isolation cell without any mattresses. To protest this inhuman and degrading treatment Hassan Safadi has announced that he will no longer be drinking water.
Palestinian Prisoners Campaign Group
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